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Data FAQ


What types of data are valuable?

All your data is valuable to some extent. For our initial release, mAdSpace will be focusing on your  interest and shopping data because it’s going to give you the most immediate payout. 

How will you collect my data?

For now we will only collect information you put into our app and selective parts of your browsing history.We are use your browsing history to reward the time and money you spend on your interests and shopping searches.

Who wants my data, anyway?

For now, advertisers! But the world of collecting people’s information and insights is growing. We hope to give collective bargaining power to people’s information in every space, providing access for buyers, and control, transparency and marketization for you. 

How much is my data worth?

Estimates range from $XX-YY or from ZZ-AA% of your yearly income. We expect higher value growth over time as more of your information comes online and companies better understand how they can provide the most value for you by using it. We’re going to keep you in the loop, always providing you with transparency and control. 

How do I get paid for my data?

Our account creation will ask you for a PayPal account link. We are going to start by giving out payments once every three months.

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